Kisses in the rain | Australian Photographer ~ Morgan & Aaron

I'm fairly certain that Morgan & Aaron thought I was more than slightly crazy when I met up with the both of them in the pouring rain at Smith's beach wearing my fluro yellow rain jacket. Down the beach we marched and the worse the rain got and the quicker we fled back to our vehicles. I've made a pact that I will not cancel a shoot for weather unless absolutely necessary and I'm so happy I didn't. I'm totally digging the windy cuddly rainy snuggles I managed to capture between the two of these love birds. I hope you enjoy them too.. Xx

Hey blue eyes | Dunsborough Wedding Photographer ~ Kirralee & Dwayne

Back to this very special place where Dwayne propsed for a windy In Love session then where next? Into the freezing cold ocean of course.. Xx After doing these, I'm bursting with extreme froth levels for next years sunny QLD wedding!!